Good | Infinite ROI (worksheets & templates, plus audio)

Many leaders have a difficult time articulating what they do-- in concise language such that prospects take action and become clients.

The 7-part Infinite ROI framework shows you how to declare what you do AND define how people can transact business with you.

As as result, you're able to serve at a higher level while, as the same time, income soars...

Originally designed for business leaders, we've found this training equally works wonders for nonprofit leaders.

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Better | Grant Making Machine (6 module on-demand course) 

💰 who the grant makers are— and where to find them, including when and how to apply

💰 a practical framework you can use to invest only 10% or less of your time on fundraising, so you can spend 90%+ of your focus and energy on the mission 

đź’°includes award-winning grant templates and other worksheets you can download and use

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Best | Digital Marketing (on-demand course) 

5 module, 10 video course outlining everything you need to know about communicating clearly in a digital world-- from the standpoint of being a nonprofit.

💙 Unify your communications around a common message that speaks the language donors understand 

💙 Provide templates and worksheets— with clear instructions— to your tech team (they're all in the training)

đź’™ Grow your online audience, bring them to your website, collect contact info, and get them behind the mission so you can serve even more people

Learn more here

You chose Option 1, Content | Information

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2. Connection | Interaction

Options for the those who want relationship & space to ask questions in real time, getting responsive feedback so they can move forward.

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3. Contract work | Individualized projects

“Done for you” capabilities on anything from ghost-writing to web-design to email funnels, sales pages, and more.

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