An online course to help you multiply + monetize your message, so you can get paid for what you know

Access the course | Apply the framework | Amplify your message

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Do you have a message inside, waiting to come forth?

‼️ Purpose unfulfilled = You feel like part of your purpose is going "undone," because it's not complete until you express the "thing" you want to share.

‼️ Potential unachieved = You sense your idea has potential, and you want to know what would happen if you actually expressed it to its fullest measure.

‼️ Passion unexpressed = Your passion wains, the longer you punt it off.

‼️ Processes undone = You need some processes that work-- you've already wasted hundreds of hours and perhaps thousands of dollars on stuff that hasn't worked.

‼️ People un-helped = You know there are people out there who need (who will be encouraged + equipped + empowered by) the message you want to share.

‼️Profit unrealized = You feel like you're leaving money on the table by not leveraging your content into different forms.

If so, this course will help you multiply & monetize your  message!

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Whether you’re an author, a podcaster, a coach, a teacher, a pastor, an online communicator, an influencer, a course creator, anyone looking to share their unique voice...

Purchase today and you'll receive: 

📣 The complete video course = all 25 modules

📣 Tools = downloads, worksheets, and templates 

📣 The hardback book = becomes your reference

📣 The hardback workbook = your fill-in-the-blank tool of templates & more

📣 Unabridged audiobook = to learn on the go

📣 1:1 strategy session to help you implement the framework 

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You got something to say...

Whether you want to write a book, create a website & blog, host a podcast, teach online courses, coach, or generate recurring revenue through membership programs... we can help you say it in such a way that MORE people hear it and you get paid for your expertise. 

Access the Course

You no longer need someone’s permission, you need a process. The course outlines the process. 

Apply the Framework

Implement the concepts you learn, as you learn them. The process works for others. It will work for you, too.

Amplify Your Message

Share the problem you solve & the potential you lead others towards, b/c people need your perspective!

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What Others Say

Chris Massie

When I first heard Andy deliver this content live, I was blown away. I had heard some of this information from others before, but not all of it out together in such a cohesive way.

I needed it.

When he launched Amplify Pro, I immediately signed up. I’m looking forward to the ongoing coaching to help me Amplify my current message (and messages to come!)

Jesica Estes

It teaches you how to use the same content from your original message in whatever form that may be, to create multiple types of media. 

… highly recommend it to anyone looking to amplify their message and generate income.

Course is well-structured, informative, and easy to follow… great investment for anyone looking to take their message to the next level.

Meet your trainer

Andy Jenkins, Creator | The Amplify Framework 

Few people know how to curate ideas, craft a message, and then create multiple forms of media from the content like Andy. 

An author of 2 dozen books, he's spoken from the stage for 20+ years to groups of all sizes, led online membership programs, and created 50+ online courses.

And he knows social media & email marketing.

He's helped others amplify their message; now he's ready to help you. 

It's time to invest in you and your message

When we filmed the course, I asked the group to complete an online feedback form for me— to offer us their take on the content, the delivery, and the VALUE of what they received.

Someone asked me, “How long did it take you to learn all of this?”

“I’ve been teaching and writing and doing emails and websites off and on for about 20 years,” I replied. “But I’ve been working full time in this space for almost 8 years. It’s been that long since I’ve had a full time, out of the house, regular job.”

“You learned all of this by doing it,” someone else observed, “and being in the trenches…”

“I did. For sure. I learned it the long, hard way— by making all the mistakes.”


“I guess that means the content you’re teaching is worth…”

Someone else interrupted, trying to do the math, “About you 8 years multiplied by however much you were making from this…”

“Hah!” I replied. “Hard to say…”



Let’s think about it like that, though…

How much ACTUALLY IS something like Amplify worth?

If it’s going to save you 7-8 years of learning… well, that’s hard to value. We all earn different amounts at our full times jobs. And some years I made more doing this, and some years I made less.


I do know that when I attended seminary and finished my 3 year degree in 2 years it cost me about $36,000 for books and all the things scholarship didn’t cover to earn my Masters. That’s how much I owed in student loans when I finished my studies.

And, I know that THAT debt didn’t actually EARN me any money. I graduated with the degree and the capacity to look for a job. I was BELOW ground zero.



Amplify is different.

Your investment will instantly show you how to—

📚 craft your ideas into a book (if you don’t already have one)

👨‍💻 how to take THOSE words and concepts and use them to build-out your website, your blog, and more…

🎙 how to create a podcast— FROM THOSE SAME ideas…

📺 how to create a video course, which will earn you exponentially MORE than the book, even though you can use the same content from your book in your course

👨‍🏫 how to build a coaching program from your SAME content (and charge even more)

💰 how to generate recurring revenue from a membership / subscription program

Yes, we outline it all!


Now, what would all of THAT be worth?

One of the attendees at the film shoot said she received more training and now had a greater capacity to “do the stuff” than she had previously attained through all of the coaching and courses she’d recently taken.

The amount she’d spent?

Just over $18,000!


We didn’t price Amplify at $36,000— like I paid for grad school (which put me in debt, rather than earning me money).

We didn’t price Amplify at $18,000, either— even though it offered higher-level training than that gal received.

We didn’t even price it at HALF of that price— $9,000— either.

Nor did we peg it at $4,500— even though one of the comment forms that came back said we clearly SHOULD charge “at least $4,000-$5,000, but probably $4,5000 to be safe.”

Rather, we set the price at $3,000.

And, we're so confident Amplify will help you multiply + monetize your message that it carries a 30-day, no-questions-asked, risk-free guarantee.

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The tools you need to multiply & monetize your message

Amplify walks you through 11 distinct MIND-SHIFTS required to multiply & monetize your message, explores how to share your message through various forms of MEDIA-- without doing more work, and outlines the METHODS make it happen.

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Course Overiew

Part 1 | The Mind-Shifts
Part 2 | The Media
Part 3 | The Methods

Part 1 | The Mind-Shifts

Before we "do the work" we've got to "see it" clearly.

The publishing world has changed. We're no longer limited to books-- or even traditional publishers. 

There are multiple ways to get your MESSAGE out-- and even MONETIZE it. 

It all begins with knowing what to do with that message, so you can make the best decision(s) for you.

Part 2 | The Media

There are more forms of MEDIA to share your MESSAGE than ever before.

Furthermore, you can morph your MESSAGE from one platform to the next without creating significantly more work for you. 

Once you've refined and articulated your message, it's simply a matter of taking that message "up" or "down" the stairs.

You'll learn how in the 3rd part of the framework. 

You don't need to "do more," you need to leverage what you've already got...

Different forms of MEDIA allow you to charge less and sell to a wider audience, or charge more to a smaller audience. Moreover, you can do them all...

Part 3 | The Methods

Of course, you've got to actually "do it."

In the 4th part of the framework, we outline 7 strategies you can implement immediately that will help you-- 

  • Better leverage your time + energy + mental focus
  • Create templates so you can shift your creative energies towards you content rather than formatting it
  • Share more-- on your website, email, social media, video, and more-- with less effort & less time

As you watch the course, you'll be able to...

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More Praise for Amplify

Sonia Guerrero-Collins

If you carry a message in your heart and you want to put it out and AMPLIFY it, but not sure how to execute, you must take this course!

I was blown away by Andy’s contagious enthusiasm, energizing and his inspiring delivery of the modules.

I also loved the workbook which is very well organized with the info needed. 

I was so excited to take it , and it did not disappoint! A++++

Randy Pardue

I have bought several courses over the past, to grow myself in the area of book launches, courses, and workshops. Amplify is by far the best product I have used.

Andy makes things plain and simple. The course is laid out in a very user friendly way. From day one you have a step-by step-plan to move forward in growing and amplifying your message.

This is a no-brainer if your goal is to impact people and grow a movement!

The Complete Amplify Framework

What do I get with this course?

  • 25 fluff-free modules = forever + wherever access enables you to watch & re-watch as many times as you'd like from all of your devices
  • Full color downloadable worksheets and templates = never start from scratch, begin making progress right away
  • The workbook = you'll have a PDF version in your online dashboard AND a hardback shipped to you, so you can write directly in it, creating your personal playbook
  • Full book, hardback shipped to you = Amplify (500 pages, 8.25 x 11), with 100+ graphics is the "Encyclopedia Britannica" of placing a megaphone on your message. It reads fast, but it's best as a reference tool to review as you "run the play" and amplify your message.
  • Complete audiobook, read by the author... so you can learn on-the-go.
  • 1:1 strategy session, to help orient you to the resources plus give you a running start!
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Common Questions

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An online course to help you multiply + monetize your message, so you can get paid for what you know

Access the course | Apply the framework | Amplify your message

Purchase Here