
Why you need to create a framework (Courses & Coaching, 1 of 2)

A lot of coaches and course creators aren’t really “coaching,” they’re just spouting out information. Coaching— and courses— are different that mere information-sharing.

In this 2-part series, we highlight how courses and coaching are similar, and how they can both work together to exchange your message.

Three current trends converge, right here and now, to make this the opportune time for you to launch a course…

✅ #1 = People can see your unique personality, and— right now— people CRAVE human interaction

✅ #2 = Current trends in online learning open the door for MORE opportunities for you…

✅ #3 = The tech is easier than it’s ever been before

(See the link below to the tools we recommend)



… if you’re going to create a course you absolutely need a FRAMEWORK. Or, as Beth termed it in this episode, a “common thread.” The framework is the essential element that distinguishes true “coaching” from information-sharing.

A framework includes three components:

💥 #1 = A destination to which you lead people

Throughout the Amplify course, we teach that “your message solves a problem and/or steps people closer to their potential.”

A framework pinpoints the potential and sends people on their way….

💥 #2 = A clear path to get there which, given a commitment to do the work, actually works for the average person who takes your course

The framework provides people a “yellow brick road” to navigate their way. That is, you don’t just tell them WHERE they’re going, you also show them HOW to go… you tell them WHAT TO DO in order to make it.

💥 #3 = Objective milestones / checkpoints along the path, all of which highlight the participant’s progress…

The framework breaks the journey into manageable components. That is, you have objective— not subjective— markers whereby people can see their forward movement, celebrating how far they’ve journeyed.



📣 Important links:

Access the 11 Mind-shifts you need to make in order to amplify your message in the new economy at 

Join Amplify Pro! = 

What coaching and consulting looks like = 

Access to the tools we mention, including Kajabi = 

Free 30 day trial on Kajabi =