Profile | Writer, Speaker, Coach
Objective: Finish the manuscript, market the book, and possibly repurpose content into blogs, podcasts, courses, and more
Clarify your message + share it with the world!
If it's going to make an impact, it makes sense to articulate it well... and then amplify it!

1. Build your framework & finish lines
Determine the problem you solve, the solution you provide, and the path it takes to get there. That's your core message.

2. Multiply the message to a broader audience
Broadcast that message to a larger audience by leveraging multiple forms of printed and digital forms of media-- we'll show you how

3. Make a bigger impact with your message
Experience the joy of encouraging, equipping, and empowering others as they apply your message and see a difference in their lives.
It can be wonderfully frustrating, can't it!?
Sometimes, it's hard to figure out how to get the words out of your head and onto the printed page...
... and then to move them from the page into a format that looks like a book, has a table of contents, and boasts and actually cover.
Then you've got to launch it, not only showing others why they NEED your book but how to get it.
And then there are "all the other things," such as webpages, email funnels, podcasts, blogs, and... well...
... it CAN all be overwhelming.
If you've got a message that matters and makes a positive difference in others, we want to help you platform it!

Meet your trainer
Andy Jenkins, Creator | The Amplify Framework
Few people know how to curate ideas, craft a message, and then create multiple forms of media from the content like Andy.
An author of 2 dozen books, he's spoken from the stage for 20+ years to groups of all sizes, led online membership programs, and created 50+ online courses.
And he knows books, websites, social media, email marketing, and all the other pieces.
He's helped others amplify their message; now he's ready to help you.
We created a 4-part framework to help you multiply + monetize your message and make a bigger impact!
Amplify helps you clarify your MESSAGE, walks you through 11 distinct MIND-SHIFTS required to broadcast, explores how to share your message through various forms of MEDIA-- without doing more work, and outlines the METHODS to make it happen.

Your MESSAGE solves a problem, offers a solution...
... in other words, you make life better.
You already have "something to say." You may have even "said it"-- a few times.
But people need to hear, they need to know.
We can't "create" your heart message, but we CAN help you clarify it.

You no longer need anyone's permission to share the message; you just need a proven process!
The publishing world has changed. We're no longer limited to books-- or even traditional publishers.
There are multiple ways to get your MESSAGE out-- and even MONETIZE it.
It all begins with knowing what to do with that message so that you can make the best decision(s) for you.

There are more forms of MEDIA to share your MESSAGE than ever before.
Furthermore, you can morph your MESSAGE from one platform to the next without creating significantly more work for you.
Once you've refined and articulated your message, it's simply a matter of taking that message "up" or "down" the stairs.
You'll learn how in the 3rd part of the framework.

Of course, you've got to actually "do it."
In the 4th part of the framework, we outline 7 strategies you can implement immediately that will help you--
📣 Better leverage your time + energy + mental focus
📣 Create templates so you can shift your creative energies towards you content rather than formatting it
📣 Share more-- on your website, email, social media, video, and more-- with less effort & less time
You don't need to "do more," you need to leverage what you've already got...
Different forms of MEDIA allow you to charge less and sell to a wider audience, or charge more to a smaller audience. Moreover, you can do them all...

How much help?
Whether you simply want us to give you INFORMATION that can equip you, provide INTERACTION that can empower & encourage you, or offer INDIVIDUALIZED PROJECT WORK, we're here to help you Amplify [read: multiply + monetize] your message.

Option 1 | Content
Some people prefer to get the info and then "run with it." Click here to access suggested books & courses for writers, speakers, and coaches.

Option 2 | Coaching
Some leaders prefer connection and/or community. Whether you prefer being taught in a group setting or meeting 1:1, we can help.

Option 3 | Contract Work
Schedule a complimentary 1:1 call. Together, we'll determine the scope of work and see if we can serve you at a higher level.