Making & Marketing Your Book
An online course to help finish the manuscript and share your message with the world
People need to hear what you have to say.
Our online course empowers you to:
📣 Get the words out of your head and onto the page.
📣 Shape them into a book.
📣 Make sure people know it's coming.
📣 Move the message to the world.
📣 Make an impact.
Making & Marketing Your Book will work for you if...
🔥 You have a message burning in your heart, and you feel part of your purpose is to share it with others.
🔥 You see other books and wonder, “How do they get the words out of their head, into the computer… and then from their computer into a format that looks like a book— with contents and a cover and all the other parts?”
🔥 You’ve (wrongly) been thinking you can’t share your message, because you need a publisher’s permission— and aren’t even sure where to begin with THAT.
🔥 You watch others get their ideas “out” quickly— almost as if they announce something is coming one day, and then they release a new book (or course) just a few weeks later. You sense there’s some missing gap between what you know and what they know… yet you could do it if you knew what that missing piece was/is.
🔥 You have ideas and content flowing… but aren’t sure how to capture it, where to share it, and how to better monetize it (you might have even coached or counseled or led events before, but sense there’s something MORE you could do, something additional you SHOULD do).
If this describes you, Making & Marketing Your Book will empower you to finish the manuscript AND make sure people know about your book!
People need to hear what you have to say!
If you’re a speaker, a pastor, a teacher, a coach, an influencer, communicator— or have something to share but aren’t sure how to get started— and thought you needed a publisher’s permission to amplify your message to the world… we’ve got an easier way.

1. Shape your message
Pull your ideas, experiences, and stories together and place them into the form of a book.

2. Shift your perspective
Re-evaluate how you understand marketing, as well as the purpose of books.

3. Share your book
Offer your resource(s) to your audience, serve at a higher level, and make an impact
Problem & Solution
You’ve got world changing, problem solving, solution creating, next level ideas…
(I’m not telling you anything you don’t know— or haven’t thought about before.)
But your ideas won’t make an impact unless you share them.
99% of people who start a book NEVER finish the manuscript—
— even more want to write a book, but never take action and even BEGIN.
Either way, the result is the same.
Life-changing ideas that remain dormant don’t do the great work they were destined to do.
For those who DO finish the book…
Most books sell less than 200 copies.
Most books fall short of making the impact originally envisioned.
CONCLUSION: you don't need to give up the dream. The work needs to hear what you have to say. We need your voice.
You need a process to get your book published AND promote your ideas to the people who desperately need your message.

Meet your guide
Andy Jenkins, Creator | The Amplify Framework
I’m Andy Jenkins— I’ve written 20+ books.
Some did great. Some not so much.
At some point during my final year of college, I discovered that I LOVE the writing process. I like taking my ideas and shaping them into forms people can not only access them, they can apply them and accelerate their learning curve.
I like seeing people move from where they are to where they’re designed to be— in each area of life.
But, I soon discovered…
👉 Ideas don’t always translate into income (unless you do something with those ideas).
👉 There’s not much money to be made (read: profit) in each book— unless you use the book as a stepping stone to something MORE.
👉 A book isn’t the "ultimate" goal to shoot for— rather, it’s the entry point. It’s a great way (at a low cost) for people to discover what you do and discern if they need MORE of your expertise AND it’s a fabulous way for you to synthesize your best ideas…
Here’s what I mean….
"Making" your book is the best path forward (of course, you need to “market it,” too)!

Make it your objective to CREATE the book first.
Books aren’t so much written as they are “assembled” from all of your ideas, the conglomeration of things you’ve read, and the concepts you’ve accumulated! You assemble and reassemble them until you have everything contained in a package of organized pages.

This book WILL become your “open door” to more.
Your ideal clientele will readily access your book— it’s a low cost, low commitment proposition for them to purchase it. But it exposes your framework, and becomes a “long form” sales letter that articulates, clearly, why they need MORE of what you do.

Repurpose the content, over and over…
The discipline of pulling your best ideas together into a book provides you with the framework— the outline— you need to create courses, a coaching platform, podcasts, blogs, live events, and more. Once you have the book, you have everything you need to lead— and serve— people at a higher level.

Amplify your message, grow your profits
Most content creators “jump in” because of the message— not the money. But, it requires fuel in the tank (read: financial income) in order to keep the message moving forward. We’ll show you how to convert the book into more lucrative forms of content… but you’ve got to begin with the book.
Learn how to finish the book AND release it to make an impact!
This course will show you, step-by-step..

Yes, in 5 laser-focused modules (plus the BONUS resources), you’ll learn EXACTLY what you need to know about…
⭐️ The publishing game… how the industry has changed in the last few decades, why NOW those changes work in your favor, and how to navigate your way forward through the changes
⭐️ How to write the book in 90 days or less— even if you’re not a “sit the the chair” kinda person, don’t have much time, or haven’t even started the manuscript
⭐️ The simple 3-step writing process we teach, and the finish line you should actually shoot for (hint: it’s not the complete manuscript— you’ll learn why in this training)
⭐️ Why you should self-publish now-- and the countless opportunities it opens for you-- even to get published in the future.
⭐️ The way the industry works— and where the money is made in your ecosystem (you’ll learn how to transform the book into more profitable— and more readily consumable— forms of content)
⭐️ How to build a marketing machine and marketing team, as well as when to begin promoting your book (pro tip: it’s WAY before you ever launch it)
⭐️ What to do pre-launch, launch, and post-launch… and how to continue relaunching the same book for years to come AND still get results
This course shows you how to move the message from your mind to finished manuscript to market!
Get Access HereWhat Others Say

Chris Massie
When I first heard Andy deliver this content live, I was blown away. I had heard some of this information from others before, but not all of it out together in such a cohesive way.
I needed it.
When he launched Amplify Pro, I immediately signed up. I’m looking forward to the ongoing coaching to help me Amplify my current message (and messages to come!)

Jesica Estes
It teaches you how to use the same content from your original message in whatever form that may be, to create multiple types of media.
… highly recommend it to anyone looking to amplify their message and generate income.
Info is well-structured, informative, and easy to follow… great investment for anyone looking to take their message to the next level.

Included in this training
🖥️ 5 modules of 18 highly focused videos— so you can go to AND/OR review the content most relevant to you
🎬 3 bonus training videos to help you with the writing process, stack offers “on the back” of your book, and determine where the book fits into your content ecosystem— so you can serve your client / customer long-term by offering them clear next steps
📳 EXTRA training on what I would do if I was starting from scratch… a step-by-step process
🎨 All the slides and graphics used in these webinar-style presentations— print and use at will
💥 PDF download of the BOOK LAUNCH TIMELINE, highlighting exactly what to do from 5 months before releasing your book to after, as well as how to recruit and run a launch team
Common Questions
How long does my access last?
Will I receive anything in the mail?
What if I need more help?
Is there a money back guarantee?
Does this work?
Who is this course for?
You don't need anyone's permission to share your message. You just need a step-by-step process to finish the manuscript and a proven strategy to share it with the world.
Enjoy Three Limited-time Bonuses!

Bonus Video #1
Most communicators are NOT “starting from scratch” with their message. However, they’re not sure what to connect all the “moving parts” and promote their product. This bonus video outlines HOW I would do it if I was beginning back at the beginning.

Bonus Video #2
The book is a great place to begin— but a horrible place to stop. We’ll show you how to “stack” other offers on the back of the book, so that you earn NOT $5 profit per book, but $20, $50 or even $100+ per transaction. Amplify your profits while ALSO serving people at a higher level.

Book Launch Timeline
Download this PDF as often as you’d like and simply “fill in the dates” to know EXACTLY what to do for the 20+ weeks leading up to the release of your book. You’ll learn the timeline AND how to build a team of people who will help promote your book.
Get Access | Register Here!

Get your all access pass here
🖥️ 5 modules of 18 highly focused videos— so you can go to AND/OR review the content most relevant to you
🎧 Audio access, so you can learn on-the-go!
🎬 The bonus training videos to help you with the writing process, stack offers “on the back” of your book, and determine where the book fits into your content ecosystem— so you can serve your client / customer long-term by offering them clear next steps
📳 EXTRA training on what I would do if I was starting from scratch… a step-by-step process
🎨 All the slides and graphics used in these webinar-style presentations— print and use at will
💥 PDF download of the BOOK LAUNCH TIMELINE, highlighting exactly what to do from 5 months before releasing your book to after, as well as how to recruit and run a launch team