Gear Up! teaches church leaders to make an impact online & offline
🖥️ Learn exactly what to say-- and where to say it-- on your ministry's website
📳 Craft social media that connects
👉 Move relationships from "online" to "in person"
📈 Grow a church that thrives in the digital age
Many church leaders feel confused as to what they need to say online-- on their website and social media-- to connect with people and then lead them through an intentional discipleship / life transformation process.
As a result, they either do “nothing” (and have a web presence that is out-dated), they mimic what they’ve seen someone else do (so there web presence looks nothing like their church, or they share video before they’re ready, etc.), or they get lost in the weeds of constantly changing their strategy— and never getting traction.
This on-demand course is for you, if...
⛪️ You believe the church— in all of its expressions— is the hope of the world
💥 You really believe Jesus meant it when He said we would do “greater works” than He did (John 14:12)
💙 The Gospel is a timeless message of “good news” that works for anyone, everywhere (Matthew 28:18-20)
… you need a way to help people find & fulfill their purpose, you want to clearly communicate that process, and you want to make a bigger impact online and offline.
The first thing to know about technology = It's not about the tech!
It might sound counter-intuitive. When most churches decide it’s time to go “online,” they simply toss up a website. But, the website (and all other online processes) should support the mission you’ve been called to. Don’t lead with the tech; let the tech enhance AND accelerate everything you do.

1. Learn what to say & how to say it online
State your mission in terms of life transformation, of how you lead people from where they are to where they’re designed to be

2. Move relationships from "online" to "in person"
Share your mission and message, offering people clear next steps to connect to (& participate)- use the tech (and non-tech) to communicate it!

3. Grow a great church
-- one that builds people, unleashes them to fulfill their purpose, and does more as a group that anyone can do alone
When you leverage websites, social media, email, and other forms of technology to enhance the 3-step process above, you keep the mission forefront AND you create a system that touches people at each step they find themselves.
If you find yourself frustrated AND simultaneously excited about the possibilities ahead, we understand.
Churches are unique.
🔥You spend a great amount of time planning and meeting... and have to manage your schedule intentionally to actually focus on the things that matter the most. It rarely seems like there's enough time to do it all.
🔥 Churches have staff members (employees) AND ALSO rely on the strength of volunteers to move the mission forward... yet, they need a process to help people join that mission and serve.
🔥The leaders jump into them because of the mission, a call, yet often find themselves BY NECESSITY having to deal with money and SO MANY other things to keep the organization moving forward.
🔥Seminary, though helpful, doesn't teach 75% of the topics you truly need to know in order to manage the day-to-day grind of the beautiful work you do.

Gear Up! is the result of decades of experience in church as well as in the world of online communication.
Let me explain…
I grew up in an incredible church. Whereas many people talk about “church hurt” and overcoming the wounds of their past experiences, I enjoyed an incredible journey with a dynamic expression of the Body of Christ.
My father was the pastor, and I saw— firsthand— what a church can be, when—
👉 The lead staff facilitates equipping members of the church to do the work of ministry and they truly empower everyone to serve from their gifts.
👉 The church rallies together as a family, as a cohesively connected group of people who realize their “better together” than they are on their own.
👉 No one cares who gets the credit. They all see what they do as a unique part of what God is doing through the entire group.
After my first year of seminary I was required to complete an internship— and do practical “hands-on” ministry somewhere with a supervising leader who agreed to report regularly to my professor of record.
At the time, my father was leading the Office of Leadership & Church Growth with his denomination and needed help teaching conferences— about the processes he implemented at the church I just referenced.
That summer, I traveled thousands of miles criss-crossing our state, I spoke 100+ times, and I saw ALL kinds of churches. Many of them defied the stereotypes—
✅ We saw thriving traditional churches in the middle of the country— with larger attendance numbers than the population of the nearby city.
✅ We visited churches where leaders had left BIGGER places to go somewhere unique and make a specific impact— and were excited about the opportunities.
✅ We stumbled upon churches where the members truly lived their unique calling— and, regardless of whether they were in full time “ministry” or full time “marketplace” all forged together to make a massive impact on the area around them.

Entering seminary I planned to teach religion at a college. But, that internship marked me.
I fell in love with what the church COULD BE— in all of her various forms.
I redirected my life path and began serving in the church:
👉 I worked as a youth minister and a single adult pastor.
👉 I helped launch a new church in the inner city.
👉 I became a teaching pastor and taught the Bible each week to a group that met in a renovated warehouse.
In the beautiful grind of it all, I began identifying the unique processes that enable church leaders to take the most important message and share it in ways that not only make sense on Sunday but ALSO— more importantly— facilitate life change and create transformation the other 6 days of the week.
It took me fifteen-plus years of full time work in the ministry PLUS ten additional years in the publishing and communication world to develop the processes we teach today.
Even though you MUST communicate in the world of websites & social media you need to MAINTAIN focus on your mission and keep declaring the message God places on your heart. And you don't need to invest that much time to do it.
I can help you with the systems needed to make a bigger impact online-- and off-line-- in a world that demands we be "hi-tech" (yet desperately needs us to be "high-touch," as well).
That’s why I created Gear Up, an on-demand course that empowers you to leverage technology to clarify your mission, communicate a plan to develop fully-devoted disciples, and create movement that makes an everlasting impact.

Your "online" task: build your home base (website), consistently share relevant & original content online, connect with others online and off-line, and make a bigger impact for eternity.
Gear Up! is the step-by-step blueprint that shows you how.

What You'll Learn
7 modules outline what to say online, what to do in-person, and how to build a church that thrives in the new digital world.
Start here -->> Clarify what we're really trying to do.

In a hi-tech & high-touch world, it all fits together.
In the introduction we overview the 5 gears. You’ll learn what they are, as well why you need to address EACH of them to truly grow.
In this first module we outline the following:
⚙️ What each gear is-- and why they all matter
🔁 The relationship the gears have to another one
🪣 Why the LOWEST one— like a hole in a bucket— is the place the “water is leaving” and “people are exiting” and how you can raise the water level by focusing there
In a hi-tech & high-touch world, it all fits together.
In the introduction we overview the 5 gears. You’ll learn what they are, as well why you need to address EACH of them to truly grow.
In this first module we outline the following:
⚙️ What each gear is-- and why they all matter
🔁 The relationship the gears have to another one
🪣 Why the LOWEST one— like a hole in a bucket— is the place the “water is leaving” and “people are exiting” and how you can raise the water level by focusing there

Gear 1 is your PATH, the discipleship framework you teach, the common thread uniting every program your church.

You’ll uncover the importance of articulating what a “full developed disciple” looks like IN YOUR unique context, as well as why you need to create a step-by-step roadmap that leads people ALL THE WAY from—
🌎 Community in which you live = you’ve made physical contact with the people around you
🔗 Connected to your church = they are in relationship with you
⛪️ Congregation = they see you as their “church home”
💚 Committed = they actively serve and give in tangible ways
🎯 Core = they are using their gifts and getting sent back on mission
In this module you’ll learn hacks such as—
❌ 7 mistakes churches regularly make on their websites
✅ 7 easy-to-do remedies to “get it right”
📳 5 reasons NOT to build your “home base” on social media (including YouTube)
👉 5 ways to do social media well (with WAY less time and stress than you’re probably already expending)

Gear 2 is PEOPLE. In a church this includes both path staff AND the massive army of volunteers who keep the ministry moving forward.

In Gear 2 (People), we talk about the importance of—
👉 Creating job descriptions for every role in your church
👉 What needs to be in those descriptions
👉 How to craft them in such a way that it captures the “serve, care, and win” of everything you do in your church
🤲 ♥️🏆
Note: you won’t be left alone at this step. We’ll provide you with all the templates and worksheets you need— just fill-in-the-blanks or adapt the samples as your own.
People want to serve.
But, they ALSO want to know

Gear 3 is the PROCESSES you implement.

Systems are simply bridges that automatically move things from where they are to where you want them to be.
A lot of “people tensions” are actually “systems issues” in disguise. That is, many times people don’t know what to do, how to do it, when to do it, why to do it, etc…
… all things that are contained in systems and processes.
Church leaders IN PARTICULAR often schedule their calendar BACKWARDS.
Here’s what I mean…
First, they don’t distinguish between PROJECTS (one-off events) and PROCESSES (things that occur and re-occur regularly). Understanding the difference— and LABELLING it— matters a lot, because…
Second, you need to schedule PROCESSES (recurring events) first— and not PROJECTS (special events, etc.).

Gear 4 is the PLACE you serve.

One of the most over-looked factors (and our 4th gear) is PLACE, that is, culture.
Culture transforms everything— for good or bad.
And, culture happens by design or default. That is, you either create the culture (read: environment, mood, brand) you want OR it happens automatically WITHOUT your direct input.
In this module I’ll highlight what needs to be on the ABOUT US page of your website, as well as—
❌ how churches often get it wrong
❌ how what we say often drives people AWAY rather than pulls them in closer
✅ what to say instead, which is actually EASIER TO DO

Gear 5 is the PURSE.

I honestly don’t know of any pastor— or church leader— who went into the ministry for the money.
I DO know, however, that MONEY eventually consumes MANY of them…
👉 You’ve got to make budget
👉 You’ve got needs in certain departments of the church that are growing (and need MORE resources), even though they don’t generate as much revenue as other areas that you seem to neglect— because you need more time…
👉 You have budget meetings (and feel “in over your head,” because they never taught you ANY of this stuff in seminary or Bible college)
👉 You need more space, but you don’t know anything about renovating, bank statements, P&Ls, etc…
Here’s what you’ll learn in this module…
💰A lot of churches do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they need to do in this area (we’ll show you what to do instead)
💰There’s far more to money than just “giving” (we’ll outline this, too)
💰Ultimately, teaching the “full counsel” of Scripture about cash loops back to your discipleship framework (“the PATH,” Gear 1)
Plus, we’ll outline a few practical steps you can take TODAY to begin tackling this issue. (Or, if you’ve got it handled, we’ll help you “level up.”)

In the final module of the course, we bring everything together…

In module 7, the outro, I talk about the importance of building your home base on YOUR WEBSITE (not social media), and I outline exactly— step-by-step— what I would do if I was starting from scratch.
I also provide you some “next level” hacks for your podcast, talk about whether or not you should do a live stream (most churches should NOT), and remind you to let the MESSAGE lead— not the technological microphone you choose…
🧭 the importance of your discipleship PATH
😇 why you need to create job descriptions for all of the PEOPLE— paid and unpaid— you work with
⚙️ the role PROCESSES play in your organization
💙 the necessity of crafting your culture, that is, the tone of your PLACE, by design instead of default
💰why you need to handle the money, the PURSE, so you can focus on the mission (and practical steps you can take to do it)

You’ll resonate with the core concepts taught throughout the 7 modules AND, more importantly, you’ll know decisively how to implement the strategies taught.
You’ll know—
📱 Why building your digital home on social media isn’t the best option— but how to leverage social media to grow your online audience
🖥️ 7 common website errors almost EVERY church makes, as well as how to remedy them quickly— so more people show up each week
🎙️ How to transform your weekly talk into MONTHS of online content that works on every platform and drives people to show up IN PERSON
💥A different perspective on the people God sends your way (hint: sometimes, it’s not so they can join OUR mission— it’s so we can GROW and EXPAND by empowering theirs!)
📬 How to communicate digitally in such a way that people ANTICIPATE and LOOK FORWARD to hearing from you
🧭 Why you need to ALWAYS have a “next best step” for people, as well as what it needs to be from each step they move— all the way from your 🌎 community, to 🔗 connected with your church, to ⛪️ becoming part of your congregation, to 💜 being committed, to 🎯 joining the core
📈 How to grow your online audience in just a few minutes each week— with a simple “rinse & repeat” process
🚪 Where the front door of your church ACTUALLY is (it’s not the small group and it’s not the worship service— not anymore)
🎥 How to navigate issues like live-streaming your worship service (and if you even should— tip: most churches SHOULD NOT), as well as hacks to make “going live” (not live-streaming) super-simple and pleasantly practical
💰 Seven ways you can ALMOST INSTANTLY raise your revenue
📣 How and where to communicate with each generation without worrying about the online algorithms, stressing over which social media platform to use, or wondering if they received your message or not
What You Get

The videos
7 modules you can watch + rewatch as often as you’d like, helping you practically apply what you’re learning.
(We broke 4 hours of total content down into 34 short modules so you can focus on the parts that matter the most to you.)

Audio files
Video is great when you’re sitting at your desk, for sure.
But I like LISTENING while I’m driving, running, and do other things that don’t demand my full attention.

Slides & graphics
Access all the slides in PDF, so you can easily review the parts of the training most relevant to you.
Since they're illustrated, you-- and your team-- will find it easy to follow the "game plan" outlined throughout the training.

Templates & worksheets
“Fill-in-the-blanks” to implement the principles you learn to your specific environment… whether you’re building a website-from-scratch, creating a job description, of figuring out how to create a social media content calendar…

Website wireframe + customizable website template
The complete mockup for the website you need in to boost your online AND offline presence.
This will be your template as you implement the principles outlined in the training.
And, if you choose to use our recommended software, you can "plug and play" our template. Simply choose your preferred fonts, colors, and shapes, and you'll have a customized site ready to go!
When I was growing up, Sunday School was the “front door” of the church.
Most people visited those small group Bible studies that met on campus at the church building before they EVER attended a worship service. Some people even attended Sunday School and SKIPPED worship.
At some point, things shifted… and "worship" became the entry point.
People began starting showing up for the worship service BEFORE stepping into a smaller group. (Church leaders began debating music styles around this time, as well, and we started calling those Bible studies “small groups.” We also hosted many of them away from the church campus— in homes, at restaurants, and even at offices.)
Today, the “front door” has changed yet again.
The front door is no longer the small group or the worship service, it’s the online space.
99% of the time, people will visit your website BEFORE they even CONSIDER showing up in person.
(The fact you’re reading this on a website right now attests to the new world in which we live— even though we’ve never met in person, we’re exchanging ideas and info even now!)
You’ve got to compete with bouncing eyeballs, a bunch of in-person distractions (most people visit your site from a smartphone— while double-tasking something else), and everyone’s schedule.
And, you still need to lead a staff…
… you still need a track for committed volunteers to run on…
Let me ask you this:
In ANY of the previous eras, would you have just tossed the newest visitor into just ANY random Bible study or Sunday school class?
Or, would you have just tossed ANY supposed singer or musician on your stage?
During each season, you would lead with intentionality…
… with some planning, by executing a proven process, and with LOTS of prayer.
The same steps are necessary today.
Make a PLAN.
Implement PROCESS.
... whatever you do, DO NOT just “go random” when you build the new front door to your church in the online digital space.
Envision What Will Happen!

⚙️ You align your staff & volunteer team around a consistent strategy— not only to communicate in the online space BUT ALSO to shepherd them forward through a discipleship framework!
⚙️ You have better communication channels LIVE and ACTIVE in your church— such that everyone knows what’s happening, when it occurs, and why it matters in relationship to the mission God has called your unique expression of the body of Christ to!

⚙️You implement “easy processes” that make it a no-brainer for people in your community to not only connect with your church online BUT ALSO come in closer for another look and show up in person!
⚙️ You work from “done-for-you” templates that you can edit… thereby removing the guesswork of what to do next— and, as a result, you’re able to spend more of your time reaching the next person rather than figuring out how to run a technological process!

Gear Up! Bonuses
1:1 session
We’ll meet with you 1:1 to help you troubleshoot what’s happening now, paint the bigger picture of what COULD happen, or even implement a strategy to move forward.
Upon registration, you’ll receive instant access to Andy’s calendar, as well as text / mobile phone access.
Get all of your questions answered in the same day— so you can continue moving people forward from where they are to where they’re designed to be AND make an everlasting impact.

Supplemental videos
You’ll receive access to 20+ bonus videos that take a deeper dive on every concept you learn throughout Gear Up— including how to grow your online audience, what to do to leverage your weekly sermon to reach MORE people on social media, and even how to leverage your podcast.
We don’t intend for YOU to watch them all (though you certainly can)— they’re here whenever you have a team member that needs to take a deeper dive on ANY of the subjects referenced throughout the core training.

More Vision for the Potential!
Consider what happens when...

👉 You reach “just one more” person… and they begin investing financially into your church (average income of $40,000 = $4,000 donated to your ministry). What if you reach 2? Or 5? or 10?
🛞 You align your staff + deacons + elders around common language AND STOP the sideways energy. Envision what might happen when everyone spends 90% of their time on the things that move the need (you’re already paying some of them, whether they focus on the right things or not)!

➡️ Volunteers have an easy on-ramp to access. And, they can actually “do the work” of ministry rather than just wondering about it. At most churches 20% of the people do 80% of the work. What if you get 10% more serving? Or 25% more? Or even 50%?!
📈 You grow your online audience. Half of the people connected to your church miss your sermon on any given Sunday anyway. What if they ALL could access it— even afterwards— by implementing the simple process we teach in this course? And what if you leveraged those same systems to introduce people you don’t even know, people who haven’t yet heard about your church, to your content? What will it be like when they begin recognizing you from Instagram reels, YouTube “shorts,” and other repurposed content from your Sunday sermons?

👀 The script actually flips, and you not only shepherd people show show up to your facility (which you certainly begin doing at a greater level— more people with ALSO a higher level of leadership), but you reach 10x or 50x more people outside of your church than people inside? And what will it be like when they begin following the SAME discipleship path you articulate and ALSO live out their purpose wherever they are?
In Gear Up! you’ll learn the processes we refined over the course of TEN years, ways of communicating that work in any profession but were created to teach life transformation.
But you won’t have to invest a decade (or even a year) of your time to do it.
Nor will you have to hire someone to explain it to you.
We’ll break it down, step-by-step.
Last year, we consulted for a ministry in our hometown.
I was floored when I walked into the office and noticed THREE employees had been working ALL MORNING (for 3+ hours) on ONE social media post. That single post alone cost them $300+ in salaried time.
Another church who hired us to review their website was flabbergasted when we pointed out they readily shared where the pastor met his wife (and the school he attended, the names of his children, and his favorite TV show) but they FAILED to communicate the ADDRESS WHERE THEY MEET EACH WEEK!
“How many people have looked for us online and then just given up?” One of the elders finally replied (after pushing back AGAINST our assertion, we told them to simply look at their site and provide us a screenshot of the address).

Register & receive instant access to the following:
⚙️ All seven modules, including the intro + the 5 gears + the outro
🖥️ 📻 Access via video AND audio— watch AND listen
📈 Stream AND download from all of your devices— your computer, tablet, phone, and smart TV— with out limits
📊 Worksheets, templates, and slides you can download as often as you’d like
💥 Both bonuses!
Before you register, let me remind you…
This will handle the tech in super-practical ways, but everything you’re about to learn is NOT about the tech. Rather, it’s about the MISSION.
An analogy…
When you stand to preach, the microphone matters— but not as much as the words you say. In fact, the microphone exists ONLY TO make sure everyone hears your message.
Apart from the message (and an audience to receive it), the microphone is irrelevant.
Websites, social media, emails… and even text-bots work the same way. They serve a SECONDARY purpose.
For sure, they matter.
But the mission— and your message— matter more.
So, everything in Gear Up is focused on communicating your core message— your discipleship pathway— and leading people to closer connection with the church and Christ.
Register Here

Gear Up! on-demand course
🖥️ Learn exactly what to say-- and where to say it-- on your ministry's website
📳 Craft social media that connects
👉 Move relationships from "online" to "in person"
📈 Grow a church that thrives in the digital age