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The Blueprint

A tailor-made written strategy, based on your assets & goals, to multiply and monetize your message so you can make a bigger impact

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The invitation-only Blueprint-process is for you if any of the following apply.

🖥️ You want to overhaul your existing website— or create one for the first time. You want something you’ll be proud to share with people, but you aren’t sure where to begin.

🎙️You have an idea for a course, a book, a coaching program, or even some other mode for sharing content… and you know the concepts you teach WILL help people solve a problem they have AND step them closer to their potential— but you don’t (yet) know how to transform your ideas into those types of media.

💰You want to get paid for your knowledge base, yet you need someone to not only show you how to craft the content-side but ALSO do the “business of it.” And, you need real metrics so you know what to expect— and how long it will take.

♻️ You have old content— videos, social media posts, recordings of your talks, journal entries, or even some of their format— and you (rightly) think people could benefit even now from those ideas.

You know what you want to see happen, but you need someone else to run the mechanics of it.

🧭 You have a message with substance to it-- but you need someone to help outline the strategy to multiply & monetize it.

Get started!

How our process works

1. Create a Blueprint

The Blueprint is a tailor-made, one-of-a-kind strategy for you to multiply & monetize your message, beginning where you are now.

2. Choose a strategy

Your Blueprint includes multiple timelines, income projections, and the roles needed to make the magic happen.

3. Make an impact

Share your message with others— using the plan provided. You’ll see your message multiply and your profits grow.

Get started!

Who We Are

We are Andy & Beth, the couple behind the Amplify framework.

Years ago, Beth ran a marketing agency. They created logos, shot photos, ran radio ads, designed & contracted billboards, and drafted marketing copy— whatever the client needed.

Though each client had different needs, the first step for any of them was a “blueprint.”

Her team took a quick AND deep dive into the client’s business. They made certain they understood where the client had been, where they were now, and where they wanted to go. They articulated a clear path forward— a definitive plan to move the client to where they want to be— and even farther.

Over 10 years ago, Andy self-published a business-related book in conjunction with a home-based business he helped run.

“Are you going to do any online marketing to promote the book?” a friend asked.

He quickly learned he needed to not only figure out a way to let people know about his book, he also discovered the importance of creating regular content (via podcasting & blogging), how to leverage social media, as well as the value of opt-ins & email sequences & follow-up campaigns.

And, he learned about courses and coaching— and quickly found out where the “real money” is made in books (hint: the book is a great place to begin, but not a good place to stop).

Over the past 10+ years, he learned the systems you need to multiply & monetize your message.

Fall 2022, Beth told Andy, “You need to write all of your processes down.”

She explained, “On one of your websites, you share books and courses and more resources geared towards helping people find and fulfill their purpose in life.”

Then, she asked, “What if someone’s purpose is to share a positive, faith-driven message that serves people in some way? They need tools to do that, and YOU know HOW to do that— you learned it over the past decade or more.”


She was right. Over the previous 10+ years, Andy created systems to repurpose his content and— over time— figured out how to run the “business side” of it all.

And, he had used those processes for several 1:1 clients who “accidentally” found his services— including a business coach, two pastors, a nonprofit leader, and a network marketing company.


Andy began writing— and creating courses.

And working 1:1 with clients like you-- people with a powerful message that makes a positive impact.

Amplify is the result.

Envision What Will Happen!

We created our Amplify resources to help you bypass the frustrations, the missteps, and the stalemates we stumbled upon.

If you’ve got content you want to share AND want a tailor-made plan to build it out, The Blueprint is your next best step.

After reviewing your personal Blueprint, any member of your board or your team will be able to—

⚙️ Understand what you want to achieve with your business, your organization, your content, or your program

⚙️ Outline an intentional journey for your ideal client— so wherever they enter your ecosystem they have clear next steps to help lead them forward

⚙️ Articulate your life transformation path in simple, easy-to-understand language— so your ideal client or customer will understand it AND will want to take action with you

⚙️ Show a clear timeline which outlines exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it— so you can reach your business income goals

⚙️ Define the “roles & routines” needed to make your project work both short and long-term, so you know exactly how many people it will require to pull your job off, as well as what they need to do and the skills they need to have (or be trained in)

⚙️ Create a path for YOU and YOUR TEAM that doesn’t leave you dependent upon us long-term (whether you choose to engage our services OR the services of another agency, you will know exactly what to do to amplify your message)

⚙️ Find hidden assets you already have on hand, so you can repurpose content and leverage your best ideas to serve more people at a higher level with far less stress by using the power of automation (this step also views your “old content” as an asset that can bring you an immediate ROI)

When you engage us to create your Blueprint, we promise to return a professional plan to you— within 21 days— you can use to align your team, inform your board, inspire fundraising, and provide a clear checklist of what to do next— and when to do it.

What Others Say

Andy Mason

Heaven in Business & Hope Directive

Andy has a unique ability to quickly grasp our message, enhance it, and use whatever platform is best (website, audio, physical product…) to launch our message beyond expectation. 

We then doubled-down on working with Andy to re-launch some of our old content that was excellent but buried in our excuses of “too busy to do anything with that” and “don’t know if anyone would want it.” 

The result is that our audience is being served far more effectively, our time is being used far more wisely (systems/automation), and our customer base has literally doubled. 

Andy has a unique ability to quickly grasp the big picture while also knowing the best pathway to produce and deliver your product to your current and new customers. 

Jesica Estes

Southern Strands

The best part is that you can create memberships, subscriptions, and even a course of your own to generating income from your message.

One of the things I appreciated most about Amplify is the emphasis on minor mind shifts and strategy. These techniques made the process of turning my message into different forms of media much simpler and more efficient.

Andy shows you how to use the same content from your original message in whatever form that may be, to create multiple types of media. This saves time and energy while still being effective in getting your message out there.

I highly recommend it to anyone looking to amplify their message and generate income... great investment for anyone looking to take their message to the next level.

Randy Pardue

Simple Gatherings

I have bought several courses over the past, to grow myself in the area of book launches, courses, and workshops.

Amplify is by far the best I have used.

Andy makes things plain and simple. His courses and content  is laid out in a very user friendly way. From day one you have a step-by step-plan to move forward in growing and amplifying your message.

This is a no-brainer if your goal is to impact people and grow a movement!

Billy Ivey

Small Stories Studio

Before working through this content, I had a book, a few keynote talks, and some ideas I wanted to share with others. But, I wasn’t sure how to let people know those programs and products were available.

Andy’s systems enabled me to add “the business side” to it all and— without losing focus on my message— implement a marketing process that enabled us to create an easy-to-update blog, release a podcast, communicate with my audience DAILY (with automation), and truly serve people at a higher level.

As a result of his practical strategies, we were able to think even bigger about our potential.

And, we were able to do more in a matter of DAYS what we had been stuck at for months

Getting started is easy!

✅ Register & make payment below.

✅ Post-checkout, answer a few questions related to the assets you currently have (pictures, graphics, logos, books, manuscripts, half-created projects, courses, anything, etc.). You will be emailed this info, so you don’t have to “rush” and do it right now. Many clients like to wait until after our initial Zoom / phone call to gather these.

✅ Schedule a 45-minute Zoom during which we review your goals, your most-pressing ideas, and see where you want to go.

✅ Gather requested items— including pictures, graphics, blog posts, bio info, staff / board member info

✅ Receive your Blueprint within 21 days— and read it + listen to the audio before we meet again on Zoom.

✅ (Note: we’ll reach out several times during the Blueprint-creation process for clarification as we create your roadmap forward.)

✅ Be available for scheduled Zoom / phone (project point person required, others can be invited), so we can review + dream bigger + show you the next steps to amplify your message.

Start today!

Most Common Questions


This is not for you if…

❌ You just want a website (we build GREAT sites, but we do so as part of a strategy to multiply & monetize your message)

❌ You aren’t interested in both a short and long-term strategy to propel your message forward 

Your message isn’t positive, hope-filled, or faith-driven

Seven things to remember about your Blueprint

(Consider this the "fine print.")

1️⃣ We discovered we must go through this process of exploration in order to serve a client at the highest level. By putting an actionable plan on paper for you to review (as opposed to us just creating something on our own), we gather your input and make sure the voices of key decision makers are heard.

2️⃣ The Blueprint then becomes the “game plan” we use to execute your project. By putting it on paper, we all have something to look at, clear expectations to gauge progress, and to objective standards to evaluate how we’re doing based on project goals.

3️⃣ We are able to create and manage all the assets suggested in the document. We create your Blueprint with the anticipation we will “run the play” for you (and build your website, format your book, create your courses with you, launch the program, whatever you need, etc.).

4️⃣ We will also clearly define which “roles” must be filled going forward (i.e., if we build a site, do you continue posting the blogs & podcasts or do we— so that you don’t lose momentum once you go “live”?). You will know exactly HOW MANY people need to “touch” your processes to keep things moving forward AND what skills they need to have (or training they need to acquire)

5️⃣ This cost ($3,000) will be applied towards any future work we do with you, based on the strategy determined (example: if you contract us for $7,500 of work, the cost will be $4,500), provided we begin within 30 days of delivering your Blueprint.

6️⃣ Our general pricing structure is provided on our website-- so there aren't any surprises. (Go to the bottom of this page for more details.)

7️⃣ You are not obligated to use us for your project needs when the Blueprint is created— though we hope you will.

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What You Get

1. A clear path forward = 40+ page Blueprint, created just for you, outlining how to multiply & monetize YOUR unique message.

This includes:

📣 an audit /  evaluation of your existing assets

📣 suggested next steps, our recommendations as to how to build your your website, what needs to go on social media, etc.

📣 scope of work, timeline, and budget to move forward

2. High level training on every aspect of bolstering your message.

We include our complete Amplify course— the next level masterclass on multiplying & monetizing your message (retail = $3,000).

This course provides you with all the strategy we use.

3. Recorded consulting just for you

Audio overview, recorded for you, highlighting the “what” and “why” behind unique points of your Blueprint, emphasizes unique opportunities identified while working on your project...

... and takes a deeper dive on some aspects that might be better explained that written. 

4. All your questions answered + next steps

Zoom meeting with you and any members of your team you choose after you review your Blueprint creates the perfect space to determine then next steps.

Let's Do This!

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The Blueprint

👉 Your written tailor-made plan to multiply + monetize your message

🖥️ Includes access to the complete Amplify course, outlining the strategies we use and the skills to develop

📳 Delivered back to you within 21 days of our discovery call

👉 The first step in exploring "done for you" contract work & projects  with us


Areas of Expertise

Website | design & build

Build your digital home base, which could include a blog, a podcast, and more. Starting at $5K.

Marketing funnels | map your client journey

Work with you to articulate and then build the ideal path forward for the people you serve. Starting at $5K.

Landing pages 

Dial-in your messaging and create a page that calls people to take action, with promo email sequences, onboarding, follow-up, etc. Starting at $3K


Create a communication framework that crafts the words to go on your site, in your brochures, throughout your marketing pieces-- to align your team and call people to act. Starting at $2.5K.

Editing, content or copy 

Evaluate your books, brochures, and more. Give you feedback and solutions. Starting at $1K

Ghost writing your book

Take your story, content, or coaching framework and craft it into a book you can sell. Usually takes 4-6 months to write, depending on how organized your content currently is. Starting at $15K.

Formatting + launching your book 

Take the words you've written and make them "look like a book," with contents and margins... ready to upload and share. Starting at $2.5K

Video content + courses

Help you repurpose your message into a video format to either monetize it and/or take parts of it to share on social media, blogs, and more. Starting at $1K.

Brand development

Create a consistent identity of preferred colors, fonts, logos, and presentation so people recognize you. Starting at $3K.

Social Media 

Create and/or schedule and run a social media strategy that's aligned with your content strategy . Starting at $1K.

Facebook ads 

Design a strategy to grow your online audience, invite them to your website, and take the next best step. Starting at $2.5K.

Get Started