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Why you need a book launch team + what to do when you get one

books marketing Jan 01, 2024

One of the most important, overlooked aspects of the launch = your launch team…

Not only will it enable you to increase your reach, but the launch team will also help you refine your message.

Notably, this works TWO ways, including what they do FOR YOU and what you do FOR THEM.


First, let's talk about what they will for you, as part of your team.

Here’s what your request of the team—

⭐️ #1 = Reacting to each of your posts during the pre-launch and launch week.

If people comment on some and re-share some, that’s a massive help.

⭐️ #2 = Buying the book the week of the launch (we’ll give you a copy of the book BEFORE-hand if you don’t already have one).

Note: we’ll set the price on Kindle, so can do this for as low as $.99, even, during the launch week. This allows them to have a “verified” Amazon review...

⭐️ #3 = Leave a review on Amazon, which you can collect and add to our webpage, in our emails, on social media, etc...

(As well, this causes Amazon to show the book to others— based on the reviews and ratings.)

⭐️ #4 = Post an “I bought the book” type of post... the day your book goes live!

⭐️ #5 = Attend the launch team Zooms, leading up to the big push (once a week, the 5 weeks before we launch, for 15 minutes each).



Second, let's remember what you need to do for them.

A few things you need to do for your team...

⭐️ #1 = Free access to the digital version of your book— immediately.

⭐️#2 = Provide them with other bonus resources they can use.

⭐️#3 = Clear instructions as to what they're committing to (see above).

⭐️#4 = Access to your marketing team (and to you, even) to answer questions and be available to serve them

⭐️#5 = Excellence— Start and stop meetings on time, give good copy they cut and paste to share, graphics, etc.

Here's a visual overview.


Tip: don't look for "big names" only.

By the way, I’ve worked with some writers who assume they need "big names" only on their launch team. Don't overlook ANYONE who wants to serve you by helping promote your message.

There are a practical few reasons for this-- besides the fact that it honors those people:

👉 Every "big name" was once unheard of. You don't know who the next superstar is that's sitting in your launch team.

👉 You lead the launch team as a "group." So, it takes NO MORE energy on your part to have someone else join you.

👉 "Unknown" people are more likely to promote your content than "known" people are-- becuase they're not yet (too) busy promoting their own in most cases.

👉 You never know who they know and who they might lead you to...



Your action step = Download the Book Launch Timeline worksheet linked here: 

Then, enter your dates, building backwards from the week you want to go live.

Finally, calendar your assignments ASAP— and only work on the things you’ve calendared as they come up.

You can do this with little-to-no-stress by working well ahead of the big day.


Links for this talk

Download your free PDF, the Book Launch Timeline— 

Access the BIG Amplify book referenced = 

The “Making & Marketing Your Book” on-demand course = 

Join Amplify Pro = 

Let’s talk = 

The writer’s framework =