Determine what a fully devoted disciple looks like— and show people | Gear Up 1
Mar 25, 2024Most leaders who register for our Gear Up course or Gear Up resources do so to learn about using technology and communication for their church / ministry.
But that’s not where we begin.
We will show you how to do that, but you don’t want the “tail to wag the dog.” The technology is only a tool.
In the same you would wouldn’t allow a microphone to determine your message, you don’t want the technology to lead in your church. Integrate it into your mission and use it as a tool.
The starting point
The place to begin is here:
Define what a "fully developed disciple" looks like.
Then, articulate a clear path to move people towards that goal. Make sure that it's written, that you have objective metrics in place, so people can clearly see where they are...
Note— it should be objective in nature
Once you create that goal, you need to map the path to get there…
And, you should articulate objective milestones that highlight progress from one space to another on this path— which can be unique to your church (but need to be consistent, so that you— and others— know where they are).
Examples might include:
📌 They’re connected once you have their contact info and have corresponded with (back and forth) multiple times.
📌 They’re part of the congregation once they attended 2x/month… or once they have registered for Sunday School, a small group, etc.
📌 They’re committed when they actively serve and/or give financially.
📌 They’re part of your core when they begin using their gifts, or when they step into a specific leadership role, etc.
You can decide the above, but:
👉 It needs to be consistent and objective (so it’s not how you / they “feel”), so everyone knows where they are in the process, and
👉 It needs to have clear next steps that make sense in the life of your unique church context…
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More about the path / potential / etc. = blog post at
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