How amplification works (building out your ecosystem)
Mar 16, 2023Your brand includes all of the pieces of all of your funnels. Some thought leaders refer to this as an ecosystem, as a real life ecosystem is comprised of interacting organisms in the same physical environment.
You probably have some of the items in the second image below in your own ecosystem already— or the ability to pull them together. You may have found yourself stuck, however, not knowing what your next step should be or how each of these items can fit together and build a cohesive brand.
By the way, you don’t necessarily need each of these parts. You’ll find yourself naturally drawn to some facets of the previously illustrated stairwell and not others. Your ecosystem will be unique to you. The parts of your ecosystem work together to comprise your brand.
(A key difference in these terms is that your ecosystem should outline how the parts of your content work together. This is important for you to know.)
You’ll see some overlap between your books and your courses and your coaching and your membership. That’s expected.
If you stood onstage and delivered a 23-minute talk to a group of 200+ people, you’d probably use a microphone and a sound system— with an amplifier in it. Someone in the tech booth might run a camera and post your talk to Facebook live in that very moment and then share it to YouTube or a webpage later.
At the same time, one person in the audience might record your talk with their smartphone— so they can re-listen to your talk later (or even share it with a friend). Another handful of people might voraciously take notes. These are all forms of transforming your message into different forms, making that same content more accessible to others. Without these tools, only a handful of people on the front few rows may have heard you.
Amplification isn’t re-creation. It’s broadcasting the same thing in new ways. Amplification doesn’t change the message— it makes the message louder and clearer— by delivering the same message in ways people can hear it.
Realize that most people don’t necessarily consume the content in the order we create it— nor do they follow a linear path through the ecosystem. Really, it looks more like the second picture which follows.
Your next best step
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