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Do it once— then recycle, re-use, repurpose

discipline + habits repurposing content Aug 17, 2023

In the previous post we determined that creating a filing system saves you hours of wasted time and energy. 

I guarantee, you decided to craft a message so that you could share that message— not so that you would have the opportunity to hunt for pieces of that message in the future. Since you know that now, go ahead and decide to file it in such a way that you can amplify it in the future. That is, save it somewhere so you can transform it in the future into all the forms of media we discuss in part 2 of the Amplify framework. 

Here's an important point about all of this...


Creating a filing system earns you money

Not only does it save you wasted man-hours, but I’ve been able to re-purpose old content into numerous new forms of income-producing products. A filing system enables you to resurrect old, dormant content into recurring revenue. 

In the Amplify course + book + other training resources, I share a few of our time-saving hacks. You  learn things like— 

I create graphics one time. Once I have them, I use them in my talks (or classes), in my books, on my website, in my podcasts, throughout my blog posts, on my social media feeds, in my email communications, and more.  

✅ I write copy one time. Once I’ve written something, it finds its way into a blog, a book, a video, a social media post, an email… the list is really endless. 

 I shoot videos one time. Once I’ve filmed them, the footage becomes a lesson in a course, a post on my blog, and a clip I share on social media. It gets replicated and re-shared in numerous ways.

All of this is possible because of my filing system. Again, you can’t amplify it if you can’t find it!


Do I really have a viable system?

Here's how to determine if you actually have a (usable) filing system or not-- 

A filing system is simply this: a consistent format, obvious to the average user, whereby you (and others who work for you) can locate your resources with minimal effort.  Furthermore, it matters, because the only way to amplify your message is to first be able to find it. Once we can locate the parts and pieces of things you’ve created, we can actually do something with it...

In the next post we'll outline two things your system must have.