
Heal as You Go (How to Write a Book #2 of 4)

In this episode we take an unplanned pause in the “How to Write a Book” series and keep talking about the book-writing process…

But, we pause and discuss why you need to heal as you write…

… as well as what happens in the process as you do.


Think about it.

Some of the most profound messages emerge from past pain-points. But, we don’t want to “leak” our wounds and ooze our hurts over our audience. Rather, we want to empower them from a position of healing and wholeness— even if we ARE still in process. 

Wounds are still open. They can become infected— and infect others.

Scars show that healing has happened— or is definitely happening. They’re proof of the past pain AND evidence of something new…



Important links:

Tell us where to ship your free book, Process Over Permission: 

Access the Soul Wholeness audio course mentioned in this talk at 

Watch the free video on How to Write a Book at 

Join Amplify Pro! = 

What coaching and consulting looks like = 

Access to the tools we mention, including Kajabi =

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