
What to do T-minus 10 weeks up until your book is available (Book Launch Timeline 2 of 3)

We continue talking about what to do to make sure people know about your book when it goes live for sale…

(If you haven’t listened to the previous episode, go there to get the “other half” of this one.)

Here’s your timeline— counting down to your launch:

-10 = begin posting 2x per week about the book directly, 36:27

-9 = recruit your launch team… will begin meeting in week t-6, 38:27

-8 = finalize book endorsers and initial website reviews, 40:17

-7 = begin emailing your list 2x per week about the project, 42:08

-6 = finalize the bumps and upsells— the offer, 45:10

-5 = build your webpage for this book / product, if not already done, 47:50

-4 = begin the “pre-launch” with blogs and podcasts, etc., 48:45

-3 = order books, shipping supplies, etc., 50:51

-2 = check your tech stack, test it, 52:05

-1 = final week pre-launch, go live on social media every day, 53:18

Launch week = live all week, every day, 53:44

Note: the launch doesn’t “end” with the launch.

There are a few things to do post-launch, as well!


Download the worksheet linked below.

Then, enter your dates, building backwards from the week you want to go live.

Finally, calendar your assignments ASAP— and only work on the things you’ve calendared as they come up.

You can do this with little-to-no-stress by working well ahead of the big day.


Links for this talk

Download your free PDF, the Book Launch Timeline— 

Access the BIG Amplify book referenced = 

The “Making & Marketing Your Book” on-demand course = 

Join Amplify Pro = 

Let’s talk = 

The writer’s framework = 

Be the first to know when Beth launches the “book club” by registering at