
What to do during all three phases of your launch | Launching #2

Most online creators, book writers, coaches, and other people in the online space don’t “ramp up” or “warm up” to a new promotion. They just “throw it out there” and see who buys.

As a result, many launches— no, most— fall flat.

That’s because they neglect the three phases of a solid promotion:

1️⃣ Pre-launch (i.e., what happens BEFORE you promote the product or program)

2️⃣ Launch (this is where we usually focus our energy only)

3️⃣ Post-launch (what happens afterwards)


With the right plan in place, you can actually build anticipation in your audience such that they eagerly await for the “doors to open” for your upcoming offer.


During the pre-launch / pre-promo phase of your offer, warm up your list by sending related content (broadcasts) and tagging people.

(A CRM / email server like Kajabi can handle all of this. See the free trial link below.)

This is the time to discover who to “invite to your launch.”

Creating a launch / promo email sequence is simple. If you follow the outline included in the Sales Page training of Amplify Pro!, the work is done for you…

… and, you’ll quickly see that working through the outline for creating the webpage actually supplies you with everything you need for the email copy.

Note, too: always have an “out” for people who want to unsubscribe from the promo but want to stay on your email list.

Promoting your product or program is only half the job. After (and even during, if they buy), intentionally direct everyone who participated in some way.

First, onboard buyers (as well as offer additional opportunities to purchase)…

… through a welcome sequence.

Affirm their purchase and belief in you, as well as outline what to expect.

Second, don’t forget about non-buyers.

If you ran a pre-launch / pre-promo sequence as we teach in the Amplify course, these non-buyers have been accessing free content related to the subject of your launch. In other words, they ARE interested in the product or program— but didn’t take action.

There are numerous reasons people don’t buy (we have training in Amplify Pro! that outlines the common reasons).

Bring non-buyers in closer, and prep them for the next launch. Consider inviting them, later, to a private launches.

Remember, maintaining a good tagging system in your CRM can double your ability to market…

… as it creates a “waitlist” and “private launch” opportunity for you.

Here’s how it all fits together…



🖥️ The launch lessons are included in part 2, the Media, of the Amplify course. Access the entire masterclass here: 

📘Prefer to read about it? Grab the “Encyclopedia Brittanica” of multiplying & monetizing your message here:  

🚀 Access free launch training at 

🚌 Free 30-day test-drive of the Kajabi software we recommend & use =