Best Ways to Start!

How to get paid for what you know

We'll help you monetize your expertise, so you can make a bigger impact while serving people at a higher level.

Best Ways to Start
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You likely find yourself here for one of the following reasons...

⁉️ You have a message to share or a movement you want to create, but you feel stuck-- you're not sure how to get it out of your head so others can see (and do!) it

⁉️ You have the ability to teach-- to say what's on your heart and in your head-- but you're overwhelmed by the technology that seems to be required today.

⁉️ You're absolutely positive what you know can help others and you find yourself thinking "if only they knew..."

⁉️ You know how to say it, and you want to create the course or write that book, but you don't have time to make the magic happen.

⁉️ You see others launching their content and wonder how they get it out so quick and make it look so good.

⁉️ You need to make it "make money"-- not because you're motivated by money but because you rightly recognize it requires cash to create content and share ideas.

⁉️ You would actually like to step back from what you're doing full time and lean "all in" to communicating your message. You're motivated-- you just need the right tools or training.

... if so, we want to help!

Best Ways to Start!

Let me explain how we got here...

That's me in the middle-- with my friends Dave (left) and Troy (right). They wrote a book and published it.

When I heard them speak, I figured, "If they did it, I can probably figure this out, too!"

I self-published-- and at Dave's suggestion-- began looking into the world of online marketing.

I learned-- the hard way (i.e., by experience and LOTS of trial and error), that self-publishing means two things: 

1️⃣ The good news = you own the content, so you can continue developing it into courses, live workshops, and coaching programs (i.e., pictured here).

2️⃣ The bad news = you've got to promote yours products and programs-- no one else will do it for you.

"The Advance," a semi-annual event that I co-created for men, gave me a great opportunity to learn about promoting books, courses, and content. 

And, since we taught the same core info at each event, I learned a lot about "dialing it in" and "getting it right" over a ten-event run.

I also learned how to re-purpose content. 

Most teachers and trainers don't need MORE information. They simply need to use-- and re-use-- what they already have, transforming it into different formats so their audience can access it wherever they are on their journey. 

(Here we are turning a workbook into an online course-- which eventually became a live event and more!)

This, of course, is the "short version" of a decades-long story. 

As others saw us building our platform and sharing our message online, they began asking us to help them. 

After serving a few clients, my wife (Beth, pictured here) suggested, "You need to write all of these processes down-- and teach other people how they can do this themselves. It's all in your head, and it's not helping anyone..."

A few months later, I began writing.

The result was-- is-- the Amplify book (referenced later on this page). 

After creating that book, we decided to craft a workbook from the content and create an on-demand, online course. 

We invited a few friends to join us for the filming, which happened in our house!

That's a lot of info, I know. But...

... the result is a framework that equips you to get paid for what you know

(So you can make a massive impact while serving people at a higher level.)

Call To Action

We broke the process down into four steps

It (really) is as easy as A-B-C-D...

A = Architect your framework
B = Build your home base
C = Communicate regularly
D = Deliver results for dollars

Step 1 = Architect your framework

A lot of communicators just "sling" info out there and see what sticks. 

You don't just teach information, though, you facilitate a transformation. You help people navigate from where they are to where they desire to be-- in some area of life.

So, clearly state your message in terms of: 

🏁 POTENTIAL = where you lead people to

🧭 PATH = the route to get there, which works for the average, qualified person who follows the steps

📌 PROGRESS POINTS = clear sign posts along the way to show them they're heading in the right direction and covering ground

Step 2 = Build a website with clear messaging...

This site should also have an opt-in that collects contact info of your visitors.

Create an opt-in that provides interested visitors with something of value in exchange for their contact info. Nurture the relationship via a value-driven email sequence.

Whereas people who aren't interested will turn away, people who ARE your clear target market will self-identity and come in closer.

And, by all means, don't send people FROM your site to something else. Invite them to stay! 

Whereas you DO NOT own social media (and can be throttled, shut down, or rendered irrelevant at any time), you DO own your website and the contact list you nurture.

Step 3 = Communicate reguarly.

Create a predictable rhythm of posting new content to that site, that is, a reason for people to return.

Do two things at this point: 

💙 Pick your format. You can post via video, text, audio (podcast) or a combo.

💙 Pick your pace. Maintain a consistent flow of sharing new content each week (best), every other week, or even once-a-month.

Regular content establishes you as an authority-- an expert-- who can help people move from where they are to where they're designed to be.

Take advantage of your favorite social media platforms to invite people to your website.

📱Whereas many people send people AWAY from their site and TO social media, do the opposite. Invite them to your "home base."

📱In addition, when you do, be sure to collect their contact info, via the opt-in.

Note: this should be "long form" content (i.e., a blog or podcast-- audio or video) on your site, which you use to invite people "back to your home base."

Step 4 = Deliver results for dollars

Use the free content (on your blog or podcast) to invite people to take "next steps." 

In time, leveraging the power of email (and possibly text), direct them to the books, courses, and coaching programs that can serve them at a higher level.

This is easy-- after you've developed trust and built a relationship with them.

Your Next Steps

1. Decide how much help you want?

Want to do it yourself, have someone coach you through it, or even have someone-- like Amplify-- do all of the heavy lifting? 

2. Do the work

Whichever way you go, you've got to get the message out of your head and into the forms of media others can access-- so they can get results!

3. Deliver value & grow!

As people implement YOUR tools and training programs, they'll get results. They "level up." You make a greater impact while multiplying & monetizing your message.

Start Here!

Yes, it's worked for others!

Here are a few of our favorite projects.

Andy & Janine Mason asked us to clarify their messaging and refresh their website. In the process we re-launched several of their old products and doubled their customer base. We also helped create study guides, email funnels, and background sequences for them. 

Heaven in Business

Junto Tribe asked us to create an online presence for them-- including a website and social media. In the process, we built a blog from their existing content, helped them launch a new semi-annual event, and automated small group registrations.

Junto Tribe Ministries

Rob & Shannon asked us to write a book with them-- their story rolled into their coaching framework (which we helped create). We built an online presence for them, including a website and social media... and rolled their content into courses they have monetized. 

Rise Up

A serial entrepreneur, Kay asked us to help her create a platform to teach other women many of the lessons she learned "the hard way." We built two websites, helped her launch a podcast, crafted courses, and wrote a book.

Women at the Gate

We took Edwin's notes and transformed his content into a workbook. Then, we edited his videos into a course... which was then used to develop a website and an online presence. He has more projects now in the pipeline.

LifeLift Ministries

Kent wanted to take his sermon series and transform it into a workbook he could use as a small group curriculum at his church... and then through a network of churches. The result is a book, a course, rebranding of multiple books, another ghost-write, and training for his team.

We built a business plan for Billy which showed him how to repurpose his talks and craft them into courses... as well as how to take old social media posts and transform them into daily, inspirational emails and even additional books.

Mike trains Navy Seals and Green Berets. More than just teaching "physical performance," though, he wants people to perform at peak levels in every area of life (whole = holos). He asked us to help him articulate his framework, built an online presence, and crank up a full-fledged business.

Holos Human Performance

And, of course, we use our own tools and training to build our own platform, promote our own products, and lead people forward into their purpose.

Let's get started!

Whether you just want CONTENT (info, so you can do it yourself), COACHING (interaction, we'll walk with you), or CONTRACT work (we'll do it on your behalf), here are the best places to begin.

Content, so you can do it yourself? Choose one of these...

Learn more + purchase
Learn more + purchase

Coaching, so someone walks with you? Choose one of these...

Join here
Register here

Contract work, so it's done for you? Start here...

Ready to go?
Not yet sure?

Let's Do It!

Sharing your message with the world is hard work. It requires a lot of time and focus, and there are dozens of "moving parts." 

But, you don't have to push through alone.

The Amplify framework provides you with extensive training on how to transition your message from idea (or paper) into books, courses, coaching, membership groups, and more.

Choose the option that works best for you, and let's get to work together.

We've got you! 

Need more info?

Our FREE! Process Over Permission audiobook walks you through the lessons we learned via lots of trial and error. 

You'll discover: 

🔥 11 Mind-shifts you need to make it order to succeed in today's information & influencer economy 

🔥 How to craft your message in such a way that you make more money, long-term-- even as you continue developing it

🔥 Easy next steps to keep the conversation going

Free, Instant Access Here!