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Who the grant makers are & where to find them

grant writing Nov 06, 2023

I don’t know of any nonprofit leader that got in it because they wanted to spend their time raising money. They ALL got into it for the mission-- for the impact they want to make.


The mission requires money.

And you can only take the mission as far as the money will propel it.


One of the best ways to build your financial base…

… is grants.

You need to learn how to write them— and win them.


In this new series we talk about grant writing— and we begin with WHO the grant-makers are…

Specifically, there are two kinds…

👉 private charities / foundations

👉public / government grants

We suggest you start with the private foundations first, because there are less restrictions, the turnaround time is quicker, and the bureaucratic stress is… well… far less.

Here’s how to find the grant-makers—

#1 = do an online search

#2 = Look at organizations like yours, who do the same thing, and see who funds them

#3 = Pay attention when you’re in public places— see who funded those things

Pay attention to this pro tip, as well— begin creating a filing system NOW of who the grant-makers are and when they’re due. Then, add to it continually.



The 5-part nonprofit framework highlights the core areas you need to address to move the mission forward:

⚙️ Path (or program) = what clients do, what they’re taught, how you impact the people you serve

⚙️ People (job descriptions, staff expectations) = clarity for both paid staff and an army of volunteers alike

⚙️ Processes = policies, procedures, and more… so the mission can move forward without micromanagement

⚙️ Place = the environment or culture you set (because it’s not only WHAT we do that matters but also HOW we do it)

⚙️ Purse = your funding strategy (because it takes money to fund the mission and you can only run the mission as far as they money will fuel it)


Links for this talk

Free access to the grant template = 

How we can help nonprofit leaders— the framework = 

The “Grant-Making Machine” on-demand course, with worksheets, templates, etc. = 

Need help? Let’s talk =