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5 things that can either help or hinder your church’s growth | Gear Up 5

churches Apr 22, 2024

The five facets of the church framework matter EQUALLY as much as the others. So, rather than working through a step-by-step process, you've got to touch on each of them at the same time, continuing to refine the whole.

In the same way a "locked cog" can stop an engine (and, in the same way a super-fast one can't speed it up any quicker than the other cogs go!), so also must you move each gear in the framework forward together.


A few things to keep in mind…

Every church’s (and non-profit’s) “engine” has five gears to address.

⚙️ #1 = Program / Path = what life transformation looks like, as well as a clear plan people can follow to get there

⚙️ #2 = People (including staff & volunteers) = on-ramps for people to connect & serve, what they do to join the mission of leading others on a path towards transformation 

⚙️ #3 = Processes (the systems you use to get things done) = automating what you can, so you can focus on people, as well as written procedures so people know how to participate and serve at higher levels 

⚙️ #4 = Place (the culture— environment) = the environment, the culture you set— the “feel” of how things are

⚙️ #5 = Purse (finances) = how you handle money, as well as creating a culture of radical generosity 

Pay attention to the relationship of the five gears.

Here are three things to keep in mind about them—

👉 #1 = They all work together

Skill and spirit, structure and freedom aren’t at odds. David led with skill and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, according to Psalm 78:72— meaning every part matters.

The “practical” stuff can hinder you as readily as the spiritual.

👉 #2 = We could place them in any order— because they each matter.

👉 #3 = The weakest gear will be your first point of hindrance and will hamper your growth / momentum.

We explain in this talk, and use a metaphor (of a bucket) from Christian Schwarz's book, Natural Church Development. 


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