Everything you need to do an online promotion launching + online promotion

The first online promo you do will be hard. But, it WILL get easier AND you’ll get better at it.

It helps, though, if you have a list of what you need— a checklist— to work from....

The fortune is (still) in the follow-up launching + online promotion

Promoting your product or program is only half the job. After (and even during, if they buy), intentionally direct everyone who participated in some way.


First, onboard buyers (as well as...

How to promote your products & programs launching + online promotion

During the pre-launch / pre-promo phase of your offer, warm up your list by sending related content (broadcasts) and tagging people.

(A CRM / email server like Kajabi can handle all of this. See...

Three phases of each online promo cycle launching + online promotion

Most online creators, book writers, coaches, and other people in the online space don’t “ramp up” or “warm up” to a new promotion. They just “throw it out...

Why you need to begin with a content calendar launching + online promotion

Before you promote your products online, you need to create a content calendar…

It will have ALL of this in it.

Building a content calendar-- and planning weeks and even months in advance--...

How to Launch / 3 counter-intuitive tactics launching + online promotion

If you’re going to sell anything anywhere (whether it’s online or in a “brick & mortar”) you must let people know you’re open for business. Launching (that is,...
