Consistency + Time = Trust branding websites

A few years ago I stumbled across the following graphic, highlighting the reality that trust is built by  consistency and time. The more consistent we are over the long haul, the greater level of trus...

Yes, you can build your own website… websites

When I began blogging over a decade ago, I dropped all my ideas on a Typepad. The URL wasn’t pretty; I posted my thoughts at or something convoluted like that. The URL ...

How books really come together books

The best books aren’t written. Rather, they go through a rather odd process...

Let me explain.

You probably already have a message— an angle, story, purpose. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t here. Don’t ...

How an opt-in works email websites

Notice the graphic below and then we'll talk about what happens..

#1 = The lead magnet is presented 

First, People are presented with the opt-in.

They can take it or move on. This, in effect, is ...

How branding, marketing, & advertising work together branding email marketing

Branding, marketing, and advertising are important parts of building your ecosystem...


Branding = what people think about when they think about you

Branding denotes the look and feel of your cont...

4 Reasons to do the audiobook, too books repurposing content

A few years ago, after writing the book I referenced in chapter 2 of Amplify (about the essential oils), I sat down to read the audiobook. I’m not sure why it wasn’t a great experience, but it wasn’t....

How amplification works (building out your ecosystem) marketing repurposing content

Your brand includes all of the pieces of all of your funnels. Some thought leaders refer to this as an ecosystem, as a real life ecosystem is comprised of interacting organisms in the same physical en...

The new & improved way to market your book books marketing

Fall 2021, I found myself in the John Hand Club in downtown Birmingham— about 20 floors up. I was running the digital footprint for a coaching organization, and we were prepping to launch the CEO's up...

3 types of websites (and the kind you need) websites

My quick, unscientific survey (read: my experience flipping through my phone and clicking around the Internet) suggests three main types of sites exist today. Sites either sit, they sell, or they serv...

4 reasons not to build your “home base” on social media social media websites

Throughout the Amplify framework we say it like this: “Build where you own the property, not where you’re renting the property.”

(Will go into more detail in chapter 12 when we talk about  email and ...

3 reasons you need opt-ins on your website email websites

Here’s why it’s important to use an opt-in feature on your website... 3 reasons.


#1 = Collect their contact info & you can invite them back

First, you won’t have to wait for your subscribers to c...

5 Reasons to write the book first books writing

Many people see the book as the ultimate goal-- as the final achievement as a content creator. However, in the Amplify framework we teach the opposite. Rather than stopping at the book, start there.

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